键盘侠|⚠️危险!美网友分析KPJ或有杀人倾向 其父亲也曾杀过人


近日,火箭球员小凯文-波特涉嫌殴打女友、前WNBA球员凯斯雷-冈德雷齐克(Kysre Gondrezick) ,于当地时间周一被捕。



新闻链接>>>>>>B/R:火箭小波特涉嫌殴打女友 因家暴指控被捕

新闻链接>>>>>>检察官:小凯文-波特涉嫌殴打前WNBA球员女友 导致后者颈椎骨折


新闻链接>>>>>>火箭官方声明:正在收集小波特事件信息 目前暂无进一步评论

[–]KingsPrimaryAccording9162 4287 points 1 day ago

He’s done done


[–]LakersEdwEd1 2328 points 1 day ago

Such a god damn fucking idiot and horrible person


[–][UTA] Andrei KirilenkoThehealeroftri 639 points 1 day ago*

IIRC isn't this the player whose father was murdered and there was a thing about it a few years ago because an announcer made a weird comment after mistaking him for the jr of another NBA player? (which his father was not)


[–]Pistonscmgr33n3 1047 points 1 day ago

Yep, he said that KPJ knew when to pull the trigger, like his father. KPJ's actually father shot and killed a 14-year-old girl.


[–]Rocketsmfrank27 673 points 1 day ago

Then his father was shot 5 times in a bar fight in 2004 and died


[–]Lakersalmostansn 447 points 1 day ago

the trauma just continues to be passed down. Sigh


[–]RunningTheGrand 75 points 1 day ago

Wait, so how on earth did his dad murder a young girl in the early 90s and get released a decade later to get killed in a bar?


[–]Rocketsmfrank27 114 points 1 day ago

He was charged with manslaughter, not murder. Whether or not it’s true he didn’t mean to shoot her is up in the air.



[–]Rockets__john_cena__ 133 points 1 day ago

“In 1993, when Kevin Sr was 19 years old, he was charged with first-degree murder. An eye witness alleged that Porter removed his gun, pointed it at a 14-year-old girl, told her he was going to shoot her and proceeded to shoot her in his car.”

The world would definitely be better off if people like this did not have kids. What a horrible pos. The apple did not fall far from the tree with KPJ.



[–]gochugang78 26 points 1 day ago

Thank goodness his 4 year $80m is only guaranteed for the first year for $15m. Hopefully all it goes to the victim of assault.


[–]K1NG2L4Y3R 61 points 1 day ago

It won’t matter if it’s guaranteed or not they can void it because he broke some NBA rules.


[–]Raptorsintecknicolour 15 points 1 day ago

believe it or not, straight to jail


[–]RaptorsmMounirM 1214 points 1 day ago

damn strangle so hard you fracture a bone???

bye bye


[–]justalurkey 27 points 1 day ago

Not just any bone. A fucking vertebrae. Without knowing more details, it’s already extremely bad.


[–]OhlookSILLagain 40 points 1 day ago

Dude might be lucky he got arrested because there would definitely be people out for him.


新闻链接>>>>>>小波特女友姐姐:别再碰我妹妹 我们每天都教训你这种涂指甲的娘炮


[–]CavaliersRkenne16 1948 points 1 day ago

Sounds like attempted murder.


[–]LakersOb1toUch1ha 867 points 1 day ago

All abuse is bad, but people that strangle are like one drunken or drugged out night from potential murder by strangulation. Like something about it is eerily horrifying.


[–]Thunderbutterbeancd 295 points 1 day ago

I think the thing that's horrifying about it is that it's prolonged. A slap or a push can happen in the blink of an eye and be a visceral reaction. Strangulation happens over a longer period of time, making it much harder to imagine it being a sudden snap reaction. Someone who has the anger and violence in them to strangle someone is very scary.


[–]Raptorsjbowling25 143 points 1 day ago


People who strangle their partners are 750% more likely to eventually kill them


[–]mrbiggleswurth 206 points 1 day ago

Yep. My grandpa was a detective and one of the greatest indicators they had of predicting whether a domestic abuser would eventually turn to murder was previous acts of strangulation in their abuses. If true, he’s a horrible and dangerous person.


[–]Thunderfuqqkevindurant 18 points 1 day ago

Yes, that's because strangling isn't abuse. It's attempted murder.


[–]Pacerstheduckhaslanded 137 points 1 day ago

domestic abuse and strangulation are the two strongest indicators for someone's likelihood to commit murder iirc.


[–]BullsKneelBeforeCube 287 points 1 day ago

He must have gone full force to fracture a neck vertebrae, he probably wasn't that far away from killing the poor girl. I really hope he never sees a pro basketball court again.


[–]76ersLambchops_Legion 200 points 1 day ago

Forget "never playing basketball," he needs to be in jail.


[–]Netsshadow_spinner0 28 points 1 day ago

I see clowns on twitter be like "how can he assault her" sighting her attractiveness. Cause if she was ugly it would be justified?



[–]KnicksPhotoPhysic 7 points 20 hours ago

Tbh this is really a problem bigger than the NBA. Society as a whole seems all too ready to turn a blind eye to DV


[–][TOR] Rafer Alstonjeffcrafff 59 points 1 day ago

Do it Silver



