键盘侠|🙄不是布兰妮就没事?文班学学杜兰特吧 他是一股清流啊


新闻链接>>>>>>TMZ:“小甜甜”布兰妮报警称 自己在试图与文班合影时被保镖掌掴

新闻链接>>>>>>布兰妮声明:我的保镖也没有殴打粉丝 我还没有得到文班的道歉

新闻链接>>>>>>持续发酵!文班IG评论区沦陷 网友谴责并要求其公开向布兰妮道歉

新闻链接>>>>>>文班亚马:我以为这没什么大不了的 回酒店才知道当事人是布兰妮



[–]Raptorsarvtovi 15.3k points 17 hours ago

“I thought you were a regular person which would have made me slapping you acceptable”


新闻链接>>>>>>文班亚马:我以为这没什么大不了的 回酒店才知道当事人是布兰妮

–]Lakersrhugghed 66 points 15 hours ago

“I wouldn’t even be apologizing to you if I didn’t realize that you’re Britney Spears.”


新闻链接>>>>>>布兰妮声明:我的保镖也没有殴打粉丝 我还没有得到文班的道歉

[–]LakersPolarBearLaFlare 3473 points 16 hours ago

They really treat regular people like nothing lol I happened to be in the same club as Drake and Von Miller one night and they made sure to let everyone know they were there cause their security teams were just bulldozing through people to get to their sections; they didn’t give a damn if you were old, black, white, etc. if Drake was walking through you were about to get shoved

湖人球迷:这些大明星是真不把老百姓当人看啊,哈哈哈!有一次晚上,我恰好和德雷克还有Von Miller(NFL球星)在同一个夜店,当时他们动静整得挺大,以确保在场的每个人都知道他俩也在这个夜店!他们的安保人员像推土机一样撞开人群,生生地从人群中开出了一条路,通往他们的包厢!他们才不管你是白人、黑人还是老年人,只要德雷克从你身边走过,你就会像中了神罗天征一样被弹开!

[–]LakersFuzzyRo 353 points 15 hours ago

on the flip side was at a table at Greystone right next to KD and he was super chill and low key minimal security


[–]Nuggetsmisterhubris 143 points 13 hours ago

Forreal. I worked in restaurants and KD would come in often. Big group but kept em all in line and everyone was great.


[–]degradedchimp 62 points 5 hours ago

MVP momma effect


[–]NarrativeEnergy 256 points 14 hours ago

KD is a man of the people


[–]WarriorsFiveTalents 112 points 8 hours ago

I remember when KD first arrived in the Bay Area, a video came out of him just riding the BART like a normal person lol


[–]Celticseamonious 762 points 16 hours ago

Tbf as a regular person I would never go up and tap Wemby on the shoulder in public. But if I did, I still wouldn’t expect to be bitchslapped for it.


[–]Timberwolvesironsuperman 403 points 16 hours ago

I bet you wouldn't even reach his shoulder.


[–]LakersRyanGreenOnMyCock 229 points 16 hours ago

Wait how the hell did Britney reach it

She was tapping on my dudes hips


[–]Thunderfryseyes 296 points 15 hours ago

Regardless of apology - I'm hoping Britney does what most "regular" people can't: charge him, sue him, get his ass fired. Can't imagine this is the first time he's overreacted like this.


[–]Trail BlazersWhyTheMahoska 127 points 14 hours ago

She needs to massively improve her own personal security. There's absolutely no way that an NBA rookie should have better goons than Britney fucking Spears

As soon as that motherfuckers hand was halfway through the air, it should have been a goddamn situation


[–]wazzle13 627 points 17 hours ago

The funny thing is she was able to get close enough to him to tap his shoulder, what kind of shitty security is that lol


[–]Zlasher8 192 points 17 hours ago

She probably can barely reach his shoulder blade let alone his shoulder.


[–]North_Atlantic_Sea 133 points 17 hours ago

Unless he eats while standing, he was probably sitting down at his table.


[–]CavaliersTribe740 1742 points 18 hours ago

Well he’s getting fired. A backhand that knocks a 41 year old woman to the ground sounds like an overreaction for a tap on the shoulder.


[–]Spursthe_alert 56 points 16 hours ago

The security made two mistakes, hitting her was the second one. The first was letting her get close enough to touch his assignment’s back.


–]Spursktdotnova 1141 points 18 hours ago

"The San Antonio Spurs have waived Victor Wembanyama."


[–]Trail Blazersmm825 195 points 16 hours ago

You joke, but there's definitely going to be an intentionally misleading tweet that says something like "The spurs have FIRED VICTOR WEMBANYAMA's security guard"


[–]JazzIntelligentEye2758 154 points 16 hours ago

[Shams] After being involved in an altercation last week where a woman was hit in the face, the Spurs have decided to part ways with recent number 1 overall pick Victor Wembanyama's director of Security.


[–]76ersHoelEmbellyDancer 2001 points 11 hours ago

Wemby wasn't even born when Britney was in her prime


[–]CIark 588 points 10 hours ago

Wemby doesn’t know she was probably more famous than he’ll ever be


[–]Trail BlazersKing__Rollo 589 points 9 hours ago

Not probably. She was the most famous person on the planet. The only athletes I can think that have been that level are MJ and Ronaldo, maybe Messi and Lebron too.


[–]Knicksoh_cya 264 points 8 hours ago

at this rate, Wemby is gonna hate the USA before he plays his first game


[–]cookingtheblandout 1512 points 11 hours ago

Haha man he’s gonna find real fast how chaotic and Hectic it is to a celebrity in America lol. What’s he does on the court is one thing but off the court man it’s whole another opponent. Lol it’s Britney spears her fan base is gonna have a field day with this one.


[–]RaptorsJohnnyFootballHero 112 points 10 hours ago

it’s Britney spears her fan base is gonna have a field day with this one

Oh man if it was Taylor Swift because her fanbase would go nuclear


[–]KnicksAutisticFingerBang 161 points 9 hours ago

If it was taylor swift I have to assume her security would have literally shot his dead if they slapped her



