
The Bucks have a +4.1 Net rating with Giannis sitting. With him playing, they have a Net Rating of +16.1 points per 100 poss. He leads the league in Net Rating, Def. Rating and almost every advanced stat


Bucks with Giannis: 1763 minutes played, +16.1 Point differential per 100 possessions.

Bucks without Giannis: 1367 minutes played, +4.1 Point differential per 100 possessions .

Giannis also leads the NBA in BPM, RPM, PER, PIPM, WS/48 .

This could really be the first MVP & DPOY season after decades.






[–]NBA problemat1que 11 指標 8小時前

Back to back MVP.


[–]Raptors shahed2806 23 指標 8小時前

got my vote for both awards


[–]Bulls Young_Baby 3 指標 4小時前

Should get DPOY and MVP if there is any justice


[–]Bucks panick21 107 指標 11小時前

Great, us getting fucked with Giannis sitting is improving his MVP case.


[–]Bucks bumpinuglyz 6 指標 6小時前

Yeah but LeBron is old.


[–]Warriors Coolguynumber01 27 指標 7小時前

There’s no winning bro. If the Bucks win while Giannis sits the media will say that Giannis isnt as valuable to his team since they’re winning without him, so LeBron is therefore more valuable.

If yall continue losing while Giannis sits, the media will see that the Lakers will end up with the best record so LeBron should get MVP for leading his team with the best record



[–]Bucks ierics 6 指標 6小時前

MVP, don't get it twisted. After all its a regular season award. Bron's Chasing the CHIP.


[–]Magic madmaxp0618 84 指標 13小時前

Imagine all the crying if Giannis wins MVP and DPOY, media gonna go crazy about how LeBron and AD were "snubbed."


[–]raobj280 90 指標 13小時前

what? no shit? same thing will happen if Lebron wins, people will be crying saying Giannis should have won


[–][WAS] John Wall ShaqMadeOne3Pointer 41 指標 13小時前

20 more games that we're going to have to see posts that simply state statistics of players to make MVP arguments.

We know he's an MVP frontrunner. Don't just throw stats out there and call it discussion-worthy.



[–]Lakers DarkSoulsDarius 18 指標 10小時前

Can we talk about AD's incredible performances in both games that the Lakers just won against the Clips and Bucks.

He was great in the Clips game and in the Bucks game he started slow, but basically carried us in the 4th and especially when Lebron was sitting he was trading clutch baskets with Giannis to keep the lead. He had great defensive plays too.

Throughout the year he's had amazing, clutch defensive plays.

And without AD we're not that good of a team at all so while are our offense tanks when Lebron sits(mainly due to having no other backup playmaker outside of Rondo who is beyond washed at this point), our defense would suffer far more greatly if AD was sitting. The team can handle stretches without him, they couldn't handle a season of trying to makeup for amount AD anchors defensively. Not to mention we would have a lot more losses without his defensive plays.

This entire argument is dumb because it ignores just how important AD is to our team.







[–][LAL] Dwight Howard azertuser 292 指標 13小時前

Do you think that Giannis should win the Kia Defensive Player of the Year Award ?


[–]Johnnydayy 17 指標 12小時前

Who should win it. People saying Davis but the bucks have 2 potential candidates for dpoy and the best defense.


[–]Heat F4ctBringer[S] 69 指標 12小時前

If AD wins DPOY, then LeBron plays with a #2 who leads the team in Points, Rebounds, Steals and Blocks and is also the DPOY. This wouldn't be a good look for LeBron's MVP case. I don't know who deserves DPOY more, I think AD is a better rim protector but Giannis is more versatile and a better perimeter defender.

Giannis does have Lopez, who is another DPOY candidate and Bledsoe who is elite defensively but AD also has LeBron, Green and Bradley who are all very good defensively. It's hard to choose - I'd probably go for AD because I think Lopez impacts the game defensively more than any teammate of theirs I mentioned.



[–]Nets Yup767 5 指標 12小時前

I think a lot of the reason that Lopez effects the game in the way he does is because of Giannis tho.

Along with this, I dont think AD does as good of a job protecting the rim as several others. Maybe if he played Centre more, but he is often away from the hoop. I'd take Gobert over AD, partially for that reason.

While I'd also take Giannis over Gobert




[–]Kuivamaa 1 指標 8小時前

Yeah, I don’t understand this whole Lopez for DPOY argument. He is an excellent rim protector but he was a constant target of the raptors pick and roll in the EFC last year. And he doesn’t seem very different this year.


[–]Nets Yup767 1 指標 8小時前

Tbf that was because raptors had enough shooters, usually he plays drop with the Bucks in the regular season. But yeah he is a fantastic rim protector, but I think a few different players could do similar, and a bunch could do similar while adding other things defensively


[–]Lakers DarkSoulsDarius 37 指標 9小時前

And if Giannis wins then his competition won DPOY while also being a leading offensive player.

There is no case against Giannis this year.



[–]DuranchDressing 7 指標 9小時前

Exactly. The only thing that could maybe swing it in LeBrons favor is if Giannis doesn’t play the rest of the year and LeBron finishes really strong with the #1 seed in the NBA, with a huge winning steak to finish the season. I think Giannis needs to play more than 57 games, but even then it’d still be close and I’d still likely lean Giannis with a smaller sample of games just because of how ridiculous he’s been.

But, this is a pointless argument because Giannis will play again this season rendering the whole hypothetical moot. Giannis wins the MVP. The end.



[–]76ers grangeman 13 指標 6小時前

If you don't think Giannis is in the top 3 for DPOY you must think Brook Lopez is on Rudy Gobert's level



[–][MIL] Ray Allen MilwaukeeMan420 15 指標 11小時前

So if the bucks are healthy they have zero excuse not to rip through the east.


[–]Bucks Holythreat 40 指標 12小時前

Given the historical numbers if we don't win the title this season will be a big failure!


[–]Kuivamaa 10 指標 8小時前

I may get hyped for that but I am still not sure that your supporting cast will show up in the finals. And Giannis (or any player for that matter) can’t win the title alone. Last year game 6 of ECF was like that, as long as Ilyasova and the rest were finding target from deep, Giannis was finding space and he entered 4th quarter with 20pts or so. But at that point the rest went silent, raps started triple team on Giannis, he went tentative with the ball and it was game over.


[–]Bucks Holythreat 10 指標 7小時前

Losing 4 in a row in the ECF was embarassing, besides Bledsoe and Bud have a history of underperforming in the playoffs so skepticism that people have about the Bucks is valid!

But I think there was improvement from the Bucks in some areas compared to last season: Donte incredible resurgence after injury (he can replace Bledsoe if he shits the bed again), Giannis improving his jump shot (his 3pt% is still bad, but his midrange fadeaway/turnaround jumper has to be respected), Bud finally allowing Middleton to shoot his midrange shots more often and unlike last season the offense isn't one dimensional - while not often enough during the half court offense the Bucks are using more pick n' rolls and posting up!

The wall/zone defense is still a problem against us since it reduces the pace which sometimes make the Bucks offense stagnant due of thr lack of offball movement from shooters, but Giannis improved his awareness and passing when he is getting triple teamed!

I don't remember contenders that wen straight to the finals or won a title in the first year if being contenders, experience is important and the Bucks acquired it last season - whether role players will crumble under pressure or not is something that we will discover!





[–][CHI] Brian Scalabrine CoachDT 5 指標 7小時前

I don’t think Bud has a history of disappointing in the playoffs. Dude is just a master of overachieving in the regular season. He really had us thinking that Hawks team was something.

No disrespect cause I love him but ain’t no team whose best player is Paul Milsap or Al Horford going far in the playoffs.



[–]Bucks T1didnothingwrong 2 指標 4小時前

For real, you play the best teams in the playoffs. If there's a talent gap, there's only so much you can do to cover it up


[–]Lakers caughtinthought -3 指標 10小時前

I mean, Giannis has had a monster season but I still find it hilarious how the minute LeBron leaves the "weak East", people disregard the discrepancy immediately.

Tell me: How does the Lakers season strength of schedule compare to the Bucks? The reality is that, up until this point, the Lakers have had a top 5 hardest schedule in the NBA while the Bucks have the easiest. In fact, there isn't a single Eastern conference team in the top 9 strength of schedules (according to composite power rankings, source).

Seems patently weird to go on and on about advanced stats when one man's competition is inherently far weaker than another's.




[–]Enigma512 29 指標 10小時前

Giannis has a better record against the West than the Lakers have against the East though. It's a fact the Lakers have had a tougher schedule but I'm not going to ignore that Gianis dominated both conferences.



[–]East LamzaxFCB300 10 指標 13小時前

I can’t believe they want to give LeBron the MVP over this man


[–]Lakers hiawake 2 指標 11小時前

So... Why did Nash and Rose win MVP over LeBron? (If it's all about numbers or adv stats)

I hope you know that LeBron had also better numbers than both of them, right?



[–]Magic LeBronSimmons 13 指標 11小時前

LeBron in 2006 averaged 31-7-7 and led the Cavs to a 50 win season.

Steve Nash won MVP after leading PHX to 54 wins and posting 19-4-11 (league leader assists)

MVP isn’t necessarily just numbers.




[–]East LamzaxFCB300 4 指標 10小時前

Giannis' case not only about numbers, he leads the best team in the NBA lol wtf are you talking about


[–]Magic LeBronSimmons 15 指標 10小時前

The Lakers have one more loss than the Bucks.

The Bucks have a 2.5 game lead with ~20 games to go.

You’re acting like the season is over, wtf are you talking about?




[–]Enigma512 11 指標 10小時前

I dont know about Nash but I'm going to assume him not winning MVP in 2011 was because of the Miami Superteam thing playing next to Wade and Bosh and the Bulls did win more games too.


[–][PHI] James Nunnally dnzgn 3 指標 7小時前

People voted for Nash because Suns lost Joe Johnson in the free agency and Amare missed the whole season and Suns still won 54 games. I don't necessarily agree but most people don't know that context.


[–]rins4m4 4 指標 7小時前

Why you want to give Lebron MVP, Giannis really deserve it this season. How you say laker is worse support for Lebron, you bulid it that way.


[–]Raptors NewestBalance6 6 指標 12小時前

Lol Bucks without Giannis wouldnt get out of the second round


[–]Lakers MaskedPB 11 指標 7小時前

Lakers without Lebron probably wouldn’t make playoffs


[–]yoyowatup 3 指標 10小時前

I don’t understand how all these advanced stats have Giannis so much better than Lebron and yet the bucks perform better than the lakers with lebron and Giannis off the floor, the bucks are 6-2 without Giannis, not counting the game last night where they sat everyone, and yet the bucks and lakers have very similar records.

It could easily be argued that Giannis has a better overall supporting cast than Lebron, especially when you consider fit. This may be unpopular but I wonder how much of an impact Giannis grabbing 10 uncontested rebounds a game impacts the advanced stats. Offensively Giannis averages 4 more points but 5 less assists. He is a bit more efficient though and better defensively, even though lebron has been really good this year on that end. I just think the advanced stats are not doing the comparison justice. If Giannis was that much better than Lebron I don’t think their records would be nearly even. Especially with the lakers having the second toughest schedule so far and the bucks having one of the easiest.





